Friday, January 25, 2008

Assignment 4

Here are some sketched images of the revised Floor Plans and some schematic section drawings. I have changed couple of things around, for example the elevator was moved to the east, the lecture hall/studio area was integrated into the scheme better, new monumental stair located closer to the "core" area with the bathrooms and elevator, etc. I have been pondering about integrating the building with the atrium in a better way. I decided to have a bridge that connects across the atrium both sides of the building. This way engaging the atrium in a better way from just having it there to look at. I also took a look at the elevations since I was having some trouble to decipher the north elevation, this is one shot at it. It was very challenging to articulate with fenestrations such of big and blank wall. Other options could be shifting floor plates to create something more interesting. I have to play a little more in 3d to get rid of the "Hilton Hotel" look and explore materials a little more in depht. So far I have been thinking of some kind of rain screen wall possibly of terra-cota and insulated metal panels.


Eric Nelson, AIA said...

Nice post. Let's think more about the following:
1. Turn the dorms at the NW corner so they fill the facade to get rid of the corridor & gathering space--you have plenty gathering space on the floors above & below.
2. I would suggest only one bridge at the second floor--this is where all the action is. Upper levels are only connecting studio & dorms.
This will reduce your circ. space and make the bridge more noticable.
3. Entry sequence would be better if you could separate public traffic to Lecture & Exhibit from student/staff traffic to upper levels, etc.
4. It would probably be better if dorms & office space replaced the gathering area at the SW corner in front of the stair. The gathering space here seems too isolated and the treatment on the south facade is too grand for this little moment. If the fenestration here was more similar to the dorm/office areas it would drive more attention to the atrium.
5. The sections look good, but please clearify if your atrium has a sloped or flat roof. I'd definitely like to see this area in 3D soon.
6. I think you could join the studio windows into a single glazed surface using spandrel glass at the floors.

Lastly, don't forget to develop your site plan--deliberies, drop-off, etc.

Carlos said...

Thanks for the comments, I'm already revising CAD drawings for this so I can jump back to the 3D model and get some interior exterior shots. In terms of the Atrium roof I'm developing a sloped one that will allow to collect rain water for later use. It will be shown on the updated CAD sections.