Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Studio Final: Studio Intro./Cover


smunger said...

You have some mad rendering skillz my friend. Very nice opening immage

Carlos said...

Thanks! We are done!!!!!...for now

Todd said...


Nice looking stuff. Regarding one of your other blogs (perhaps for an earlier course at this same institution?), you should check out this person's blog:


A lot of eerily similar looking things, right down to the fonts!

Carlos said...

Thanks Todd,
WOW, Unbelievable! This is crazy I just checked her stuff...it is a very similar presentation style. This is not the first time that this kinda stuff happened to me or anyone. You think you have something very unique and then you find out it has been done before...crazy!

Carlos said...

ohh, wait a second...here is a link of my previous semester...this was earlier thn hers! http://maldonado-cruz.blogspot.com/