Sunday, February 24, 2008

Studio Final: Draft

Here is the draft for the final presentation due on the 26th, there are some things missing like the code analysis and site plan; they will be posted later on Monday.


annie j kemp said...

Your model is awesome! The introduction sheet is a great segway into the project. The image on there is one of my favorites! It gets me excited to see the rest of the project. Your layout looks nice. I can't wait to see the final post!

annie j kemp said...

What about a structure plan? Is that something you are also still working on?

smunger said...

Along with Annie, I agree, your rendering is fantastic.

My comments have less to do with your content than your layout.

Your research, your intro and your concept are so strong graphically, with each of the images integrated with the layout.

Then you get to the plans.

because these are on a white background, they appear haphazard in relation to the rest of the layout, try and either get rid of the white with a clipping mask, or arrange them in a manner more consistent with the remainder of your layout.

(If this is what I have to gripe about, you are in pretty good shape).

smunger said...

Where is your second floor Plan?

Carlos said...

Thanks for the comments guys,Annie the I don't really have any structural plan just a diagram showing the columns and floor plates. I think its self explanatory, I didn't feel the need to play engineer since I have more things to worry about. Steve, thats very true, I will try to come up with something tonight, I might just invert the black lines to white a have a black backgorund while keeping the color legend. I must've forgotten to put the 2nd floor, good thing this is a draft!

Eric Nelson, AIA said...

Final draft looks good. As Steve mentioned, don't forget your second floor and I'd add that the plans seem better presented individually--bigger and more clear.

Let's see the rest.

smunger said...

I see that I am in your model, but I am not sure what I am doing.